Доклад Александра Олера «Амбивалентность и устойчивость: сойотский вариант одомашнивания ландшафтов»

Центр социальных исследований Севера

В пятницу, 4 мая, в аудитории 217 состоится очередное заседание Сибирского семинара. С докладом «Амбивалентность и устойчивость: сойотский вариант одомашнивания ландшафтов» выступит Александр Олер (Dr. Alexander C. Oehler, University of Northern British Columbia).

Начало доклада в 18:00. Доклад пройдёт на русском языке.


Авторская аннотация доклада

Ambivalence and sustainability: A Soiot approach to the domestication of landscapes

This talk is based on ethnographic fieldwork with Soiot and Tofa herder-hunters of the Eastern Saian Mountains. This region of southern Siberia has long attracted international scholarship for being one of the earliest places on earth where reindeer entered the human household to form a highly nuanced relationship with humans. The talk will argue that this relationship has variously been misunderstood as a product of human domination and control, and it proposes that indigenous relations with animals inside and outside the household are best understood outside a wild-tame dichotomy. Although Soiots and Tofas see themselves as the descendants of the original hunter-herders, the importance of reindeer has receded in both societies. For transhumant Soiot households focus has shifted to the breeding of yak, horses and sheep. What survives this species transition is an acute awareness of sentience and autonomy in living beings, including spirit-imbued landscape features. By focusing on the shamanic concept of 'being in-between,' this talk articulates an alternative approach to the domestication of sentient beings in southern Siberian landscapes, contrasting Soviet collectivization and Buddhist conversion narratives.