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Вашему вниманию предлагается виртуальная выставка литературы по исторической компаративистике, подготовленная сотрудниками библиотеки Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге и приуроченная к открытию ежегодных Дней компаративистики в ЕУСПб.

Эта коллекция книг формируется с 2011 года, т.е. с момента создания в ЕУСПб профессуры по исторической компаративистике, т.е. теории и практике сравнительно-исторических исследований. В настоящее время она насчитывает более 60 томов и является одной из лучших в нашей стране. Среди этих книг – работы выдающихся современных компаративистов: Юргена Кокки, Хайнца-Герхарда Хаупта, Питера Болдуина, Джорджа Фредриксона, Йеруна Дейндама и многих других.
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Д.и.н., проф. М.М.Кром



0056979Comparative and Transnational History : Central European Approaches and New Perspectives / ed.: H. -G. Haupt, J. Kocka. - New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2009. - 294 p. - Bibliography : p. 276 - 290. - ISBN 978-1-84545-615-3


Since the 1970s West German historiography has been one of the main arenas of international comparative history. It has produced important empirical studies particularly in social history as well as methodological and theoretical reflections on comparative history. During the last twenty years however, this approach has felt pressure from two sources: cultural historical approaches, which stress microhistory and the construction of cultural transfer on the one hand; and on the other, global history and transnational approaches with emphasis on connected history. This volume introduces the reader to some of the major methodological debates and to recent empirical research of German historians, who do comparative and transnational work

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0058649Transnationale Geschichte : Themen, Tendenzen und Theorien / hrsg.: G. Budde, S. Conrad, O. Janz. - 2. Auflage. - Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. - 320 S. - Articles are in English and German. - ISBN 978-3-525-36736-0

Die Intemationalisierung der Geschichtswissenschaft steht auf der Agenda. Neuere Darstellungen und Untersuchungen orientieren sich zunehmend an transnationalen Fragestellungen und globalen Zusammenhängen. Dieser Band bietet einen ersten fundierten Überblick über Themen und theoretische Grundlegungen und Tendenzen dieser Entwicklung. Vom historischen Vergleich über die europäische Geschichte und die Postcolonial Studies bis zu globalgeschichtlichen Perspektiven stellen die Autoren die wichtigsten Konzepte einer transnationalen Historiographie vor. Mit Beiträgen von Partha Chatterjee, Patrick Karl O'Brien, Natalie Zemon Davis, Gerald D. Feldman, Etienne Francois, Victoria de Grazia, Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Manfred Hildermeier, Georg G. Iggers, Peter Jelavich, Hartmut Kaelble, John Keane, Dieter Langewiesche, Marcel van der Linden, Charles S. Maier, Michael Mann, Jürgen Osterhammel, Emma Rothschild, David Warren Sabean, James J. Sheehan, Shulamit Volkov, Hans-Ulrich Wehler und Moshe Zimmermann

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0058249Explorations in Comparative History / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Institute for Advanved Studies ; ed. B. Z. Kedar. - Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2009. - 242 p. - (Publication of the Institute for Advanved Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) (Magnes - History). - ISBN 978-965-493-392-6


The present volume charts ways that may allow a larger number of historians to experiment with the comparative method. It contains articles that deal with the history and problems of comparative history as well as studies that demonstrate the potential of symmetrical, asymmetrical, parallel and cross comparisons. The studies include comparisons of the Roman and Inca empires, of Muslim networks of renewal of the eighteenth century, of serfdom in Russia and slavery in the American South, of early modern European expansion and present-day globalization, of modern welfare states, and of multiple modernities. Comparative studies of feudalism exemplify some of the method's pitfalls. The volume concludes with a report by three faculty members on the problems encountered while teaching a course in comparative history

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0057859Gregg, Robert. Inside Out, Outside In : : Essays in Comparative History / R. Gregg. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. - 231 p. - ISBN 0-312-21867-2


"In this far-ranging, irreverent and ultimately Utopian study, Robert Gregg artfully proves that comparative history need not be two-dimensional - that it can and indeed must turn on several critical axes simultaneously, in part because the messiness of history as it plays itself out on a diversity of terrains requires a more resolutely anti-national approach than has heretofore been imagined. "Inside Out, Outside In" is a real romp through an impressive variety of literatures and historiographies which will have appeal to the generalist and specialist alike, precisely because it presumes readers are capable of appreciating the "miscegenation of narratives" that the best kind of history-writing represents. Above all, Gregg's insistence that modern and even "post-colonial" historiography is deeply implicated in national and imperial histories leads him beyond a facile rejection of foundationalism, opening up the possibility of new, more politically accountable practices among professional historians" - Antoinette Burton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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0055804Comparison and History : Europe in Cross-National Perspective / ed.: D. Cohen, M. O'Connor. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. - 207 p. - Bibliography : p. 181 - 198. - ISBN 0-415-94442-2


Historians today like to preach the virtues of comparison and cross-national work. In the last decade, cross-national histories have prospered, yielding important work in the subjects as diverse as the transatlantic trade in slaves and the cultures of celebrity. In the meantime, comparative history has also enjoyed a renaissance, but what is largely missing in the rush beyond the nation is any sense of how to tackle this research. This volume brings together scholars who have worked either cross-nationally or comparatively to reflect upon their own research. In essays that engage practical, methodological, and theoretical questions, these contributors assess the gains - but also the obstacles and perils - of research that traverses national boundaries. Drawn from the subject-areas that have attracted the most comparative and cross-national attention: war, welfare, labor, nation, immigration, and gender. Taken together, these essays provide the first critical analysis of the cross-national turn in European history

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0060434Modes of Comparison : Theory and Practice / ed. A. A. Yengoyan. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2006. - 480 p. - (The Comparative Studies in Society and History Book Series ). - ISBN 978-0-472-06918-7. - ISBN 0-472-06918-7


In "Modes of Comparison : Theory and Practice", the contributors highlight how theoretical problems have brought forth new ideas on comparison and how comparison has become pivotal in the human sciences. Many of the chapters in this interdisciplinary volume update landmark essays from the journal "Comparative Studies in Society and History". Each of the essays questions a number of critical and contemporary issues in history, sociology, and anthropology as they relate to various ideas of comparison. The authors set out comparative projects, discuss the difficulties of identifying baseline processes, and reflect on the contemporary challenges of organizing their analyses in ways that are both methodologically responsible and theoretically compelling

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0056913Detienne, Marcel. Comparer l'incomparable Detienne, Marcel. Comparer l'incomparable / M. Detienne. - Paris : Editions du Seuil, 2000. - 140 p. - (La librairie du XXe siecle). - ISBN 2-02-036139-6


"Au Chaland! Entre historiens et anthropologues, depuis plus d'un siècle, le champ du comparatisme s'étend à perte de vue. Il est en friche. Pourquoi? Parce que la science historique est née avec et pour la Nation, parce que les historiens d'Europe naissent encore aujourd'hui nationaux, alors que l'anthropologie s'est voulue d'emblée comparative, qu'elle n'a jamais imposé de frontière entre les sociétés d'autrefois et les cultures d'ailleurs. Un pamphlet? Oui, et théorique. Pour dénoncer les mensonges et les dangers mortels de l'incommensurable, de l'incomparable des nationaux de tout poil. Pour montrer ensuite comment construire des comparables : qu'il s'agisse de voir comment des pratiques d'assemblée entre l'Ethiopie, les cités grecques et les Cosaques du XVe siècle dessinent un lieu du politique et esquissent des formes de démocratie distinctes ; ou bien quelle est l'alchimie de tant de purifications ethniques en regard de l'idéologie athénienne d'une pure autochtonie, de la représentation fantasmatique d'un Français, dit de souche, et des parcours de civilités autres qui ont choisi de séparer la terre et les morts sans avoir lu Barrés ni connu la fureur des bons Aryens. Comparatisme constructif, avez-vous dit? Sans l'ombre d'une hésitation, et délibérément postdéconstructionniste" - Marcel Detienne

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0058317Marc Bloch aujourd'hui : histoire comparee et sciences sociales / ed.: H. Atsma, A. Burguiere. - Paris : Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, 1990. - 454 p. - (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales ; 41). - ISBN 2-7132-0944-7


La fidélité à l’esprit de Marc Bloch appelait la réflexion plus que la commémoration. C’est le parti qu’a choisi le Colloque international réuni à Paris en juin 1986 à l’occasion du centenaire de sa naissance. L’homme, certes, devait être présent. Aux témoignages de ceux qui ont partagé sa vie, qui l’ont connu ou simplement croisé, on a voulu confronter l’intelligence des rapports entre le savant, le citoyen et la société dans laquelle il a vécu. A propos de Marc Bloch, on pose ici les problèmes que lui-même n’ajamais cessé de retrouver dans son œuvre, des Carnets de guerre à L’étrange défaite et au Métier d’historien : celui du rôle social de l’historien, celui de la responsabilité du savant. Le nombre de ceux qui interrogent aujourd’hui cette œuvre brutalement interrompue n’a cessé de grandir. On n’a pas tenté d’en dresser ici un inventaire historiographique mais plutôt d’en saisir l’actualité. Marc Bloch a aussi voulu être un éveilleur : celui qui fait naître l’interrogation et le désir de mettre en question les acquis, celui qui nous invite à renouveler les habitudes du métier. C’est donc sous le signe de l’interdisciplinarité que l’on a voulu placer les moments d’une rencontre consacrée aux principaux thèmes de sa recherche : les représentations du pouvoir, l’histoire rurale, le comparatisme, l’histoire des techniques, l’histoire sociale et celle des mentalités, enfin l’anthropologie historique qui, à tant d’égards, prolonge les voies ouvertes voici un demi-siècle par Marc Bloch

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0063441Kalberg, Stephen. Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology Today : Major Themes, Mode of Causal Analysis, and Applications / S. Kalberg. - Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, 2012. - 338 p. - (Rethinking Classical Sociology). - ISBN 978-1-4094-3223-4


Bringing together the author’s major scholarly work on Weber over the last 30 years, "Max Weber’s Comparative-Historical Sociology Today" addresses major themes in Weber’s thought, whilst also examining the mode of analysis practised in his comparative-historical writings. By exploring Weber’s concepts and procedures, the individual chapters seek to convey the rigor of his research strategies, demonstrating their uniqueness. In this light, this study proceeds to identify as incomplete and then reconstruct the analyses undertaken by Weber of the rise of Confucianism in China, the caste system in India, and monotheism in ancient Israel. The analysis then advances to the modern era, utilizing Weber’s research procedures to explain the origins of four independent phenomena: the singularity of the American political culture, the cultural foundations of modern citizenship, cultural pessimism (Kulturpessimismus) in nineteenth-century Germany, and the "location" of work in contemporary German society. A dialogue with a variety of recent major schools is pursued throughout this volume. Offering a rich examination of the major themes in Weber’s sociology, alongside a reconstruction of his mode of analysis and application of his approach, this book will appeal to scholars around the world with interests in social theory, German and American societies, cultural sociology, political sociology, the sociology of knowledge, comparative-historical sociology, and the sociology of civilizations

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0063444Osterhammel, Jurgen. The Transformation of the World : a Global History of the Nineteenth Century / J. Osterhammel ; transl. P. Camiller. - Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2014. - 1167 p. - (America in the World). - Bibliography : p. 1021 - 1118. - Пер. изд. : Die Verwandlung der Welt / J. Osterhammel. - Munchen, 2009. - ISBN 978-0-691-16980-4


A comprehensive examination of the nineteenth century, "The Transformation of the World" offers a panoramic portrait of a world in flux. Jurgen Osterhammel, a scholar who has been called the Braudel of the nineteenth century, moves beyond conventional Eurocentric and chronological accounts of the era to present a sophisticated global history of breathtaking magnitude and towering erudition. From New York to New Delhi, from Latin American revolutions to the Taiping Rebellion, Osterhammel examines myriad powerful and diverse forces that facilitated global change and spearheaded advancement. In the context of increased interconnectivity across vast terrain and ocean, he provocatively evaluates the changing relationship between humans and nature, the importance of cities, and movements that propelled the emergence of new nations. An indispensable book, "The Transformation of the World" offers a fresh perspective on the emergence of global modernity. Jurgen Osterhammel is professor of modern and contemporary history at the University of Konstanz. He is the coauthor of "Globalization : a Short History" and a coeditor of "A History of the World"

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0065490Duindam, Jeroen. Vienna and Versailles : the Courts of Europe's Dynastic Rivals, 1550 - 1780 / J. Duindam. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - 349 p. : il. - (New Studies in European History). - Bibliography : p. 328 - 342. - ISBN 0-521-71476-1


This book brings vividly to life the courtiers and servants of the imperial court in Vienna and the royal court at Paris-Versailles from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, drawing together a wealth of unpublished material in a comparative context. Staff, numbers, costs, and hierarchies; daily routines and ceremonies; court favourites and the nature of rulership; the integrative and centripetal forces of the central courtly establishment: all are seen in a longterm, comparative perspective that highlights both the similarities of the two courts and the distinctiveness of the developments in France and the Habsburg lands. In the process, most conventional views of each court - and of court life in general - are challenged, and a fresh interpretation emerges. Finally, by relocating the household in the heart of the early modern state, "Vienna and Versailles" forces us to rethink the process of state building and the notion of "absolutism"

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0059367Sachsenmaier, Dominic. Global Perspectives on Global History : Theories and Approaches in a Connected World / D. Sachsenmaier. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 331 p. - Bibliography : p. 246 - 324. - ISBN 978-0-521-17312-4


In recent years, historians across the world have become increasingly interested in transnational and global approaches to the past. However, the debates surrounding this new border-crossing movement have remained limited in scope as theoretical exchanges on the tasks, responsibilities, and potentials of global history have been largely confined to national or regional academic communities. In this groundbreaking book, Dominic Sachsenmaier sets out to redress this imbalance by offering a series of new perspectives on the global and local flows, sociologies of knowledge, and hierarchies that are an intrinsic part of historical practice. Taking the United States, Germany, and China as his main case studies, he reflects upon the character of different approaches to global history as well as their social, political, and cultural contexts. He argues that this new global trend in historiography needs to be supported by a corresponding increase in transnational dialogue, cooperation, and exchange. Dominic Sachsenmaier is Assistant Professor of Trans-Cultural and Chinese History at Duke University

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0065489Parliament and Parliamentarism : a Comparative History of a European Concept / ed.: P. Ihalainen, C. Ilie, K. Palonen. - New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2016. - 327 p. - (European Conceptual History). - ISBN 978-1-78238-954-5


Parliamentary theory, practices, discourses and institutions constitute a distinctively European contribution to modern politics. Taking a broad historical perspective, this cross-disciplinary, innovative and rigorous collection locates the essence of parliamentarism in four key aspects - deliberation, representation, responsibility and sovereignty - and explores the different ways in which they have been contested, reshaped and implemented in a series of representative national and regional case studies. As one of the first comparative studies in conceptual history, this volume focuses on debates about the nature of parliament and parliamentarism within and across different European countries, representative institutions and genres of political discourse

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0061013The American South and the Italian Mezzogiorno : Essays in Comparative History / ed.: E. Dal Lago, R. Halpern. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave, 2002. - 256 p. - ISBN 0-333-73971-X. - ISBN 978-0-333-73971-6


The essays collected in this volume explore the multiple connections and parallels between the histories of the American south and the Italian south. Leading historians of the two regions consider the comparability of issues as diverse as the stereotypes relating to the two souths, the ideology of the landed elites, the treatment of labourers on large landed estates, the importance of gender in the understanding of social relations, and the connections between progressive political forces and between migratory movements across the two sides of the Atlantic

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0059821Hroch, Miroslav. Comparative Studies in Modern European History : Nation, Nationalism, Social Change / M. Hroch. - Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate, 2007. - No pagination. - (Variorum Collected Studies Series ; 886). - ISBN 978-0-7546-5935-8


The two main themes of this selection of articles by Professor Hroch are the process of nation formation during the 19th century, especially in the case of "smaller" European nations, i.e. those without statehood, and the social and political aspects of the transition from a pre-modern, feudal and traditional society to a modern capitalist one and the uneven pace of this change in the West and East of Europe. The author argues that we cannot study the process of nation-formation as a mere product of some nebulous "nationalism"; we have to understand it as a part of social and cultural transformation, as a component of modernization of European societies, even though this modernization did not occur synchronically and had its regional specificities. Many of the papers focus specifically on the Czech case, but throughout there is an emphasis on comparative history

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0056980Fredrickson, George. The Comparative Imagination : on the History of Racism, Nationalism, and Social Movements / G. M. Fredrickson. - Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London : University of California Press, 2000. - 241 p. - ISBN 0-520-22484-1


In this collection of essays, an eminent American historian of race relations discusses issues central to our understanding of the history of racism, the role of racism, and the possibilites for justice in contemporary society. George M. Fredrickson provides an eloquent and vigorous examination of race relations in the United States and South Africa and at the same time illuminates the emerging field of comparative history - history that is explicitly cross-cultural in its comparisons of nations, eras, or social structures. Taken together, these thought-provoking, accessible essays - several never before published - bring new precision and depth to our understanding of racism and justice, both historically and for society today. The first group of essays in "The Comparative Imagination" summarizes and evaluates the cross-national comparative history written in the past fifty years. These essays pay particular attention to comparative work on slavery and race relations, frontiers, nation-building and the growth of modern welfare states, and class and gender relations. The second group of essays represents some of Fredrickson's own explorations into the cross-cultural study of race and racism. Included are new essays covering such topics as the theoretical and cross-cultural meaning of racism, the problem of race in liberal thought, and the complex relationship between racism and state-based nationalism. The third group contains Fredrickson's recent work on anti-racist and black liberation movements in the United States and South Africa, especially in the period since World War II. In addition, Fredrickson's provocative introduction breaks significant new intellectual ground, outlining a justification for the methods of comparative history in light of such contemporary intellectual trends as the revival of narrative history and the predominance of postmodern thought

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0063791Comparative Early Modernities, 1100 - 1800 / ed. D. Porter. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - 278 p. : il. - ISBN 978-0-230-12089-1


Recent historical scholarship has shown the way toward a geographically capacious conception of the early modern world. Featuring essays by nine leading scholars of early modern Asia and Europe, "Comparative Early Modernities" casts aside the legacies of European exceptionalism to reveal the interconnected multiplicity of the early modern world and the variety of unexpected pathways linking these histories to the evolving modernities of the twenty-first century. In their fresh and provocative examinations of topics in literature, philosophy, art history, and political economy, the authors transform our understanding of global early modernity and reassess the theoretical and methodological premises of comparative historical studies. David Porter is a professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan. He is the author of "Ideographia : the Chinese Cipher in Early Modern Europe" (2001) and "The Chinese Taste in Eighteenth-Century England" (2010)

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0063443Scott, Tom. The City-State in Europe, 1000 - 1600 / T. Scott. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. - 382 p. : maps. - Bibliography : p. 319 - 360. - ISBN 978-0-19-927460-4


No detailed comparison of the city-state in medieval Europe has been undertaken over the last century. Research has concentrated on the role of city-states and their republican polities as harbingers of the modern state, or else on their artistic and cultural achievements, above all in Italy. Much less attention has been devoted to the cities’ territorial expansion: why, how, and with what consequences cities in the urban belt, stretching from central and northern Italy over the Alps to Switzerland, Germany, and the Low Countries, succeeded (or failed) in constructing sovereign polities, with or without dependent territories. Tom Scott goes beyond the customary focus on the leading Italian city-states to include, for the first time, detailed coverage of the Swiss city-states and the imperial cities of Germany. He criticizes current typologies of the city-state in Europe advanced by political and social scientists to suggest that the city-state was not a spent force in early modern Europe, but rather survived by transformation and adaption. He puts forward instead a typology which embraces both time and space by arguing for a regional framework for analysis which does not treat city-states in isolation, but within a wider geopolitical setting

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0065491Universal Empire : a Comparative Approach to Imperial Culture and Representation in Eurasian History / ed.: P. F. Bang, D. Kolodziejczyk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. - 378 p. : il. - Bibliography : p. 310 - 363. - ISBN 978-1-107-52747-8


The claim by certain rulers to universal empire has a long history stretching as far back as the Assyrian and Achaemenid empires. This book traces its various manifestations in Near Eastern and classical antiquity, the Islamic world, Asia and Central America as well as considering seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European discussions of international order. As such it is an exercise in comparative world history combining a multiplicity of approaches, from ancient history, to literary and philosophical studies, to the history of art and international relations, and historical sociology. The notion of universal imperial rule is presented as an elusive and much-coveted prize among monarchs in history, around which developed forms of kingship and political culture. Different facets of the phenomenon are explored under three, broadly conceived, headings: symbolism, ceremony and diplomatic relations; universal or cosmopolitan literary high cultures; and, finally, the inclination to present universal imperial rule as an expression of cosmic order

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0059171Baldwin, Peter. The Narcissism of Minor Differences : How America and Europe are Alike : an Essay in Numbers / P. Baldwin. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 321 p. - ISBN 978-0-19-983682-6


There is much heated rhetoric about the widening gulf between Europe and America. But are they so different? Peter Baldwin thinks not, and in this bracing and remarkably informed polemic, he lays out how similar the two regions really are. Drawing on the latest evidence from sources such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the IMF, Baldwin offers a fascinating comparison of the United States and Europe, looking at the latest statistics on the economy, crime, health care, education, religion, the environment, and much more. It is a book filled with surprising revelations. For most categories of crime, for instance, America is safe by European standards. But the biggest surprise is that, though there are many differences between America and Europe, in almost all cases, the gaps are no greater than the differences among European nations. Europe and the US are, in fact, part of a common, big-tent grouping. America is not Sweden, for sure. But nor is Italy Sweden, nor France, nor even Germany. And who says that Sweden is Europe? Anymore than Vermont is America? Peter Baldwin is Professor of History at UCLA. He is the author of "Disease and Democracy", "Contagion and the State in Europe, 1830 - 1930", and "The Politics of Social Solidarity"

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