George W. Breslauer: Evaluation of EUSP

Press release

Dear Rector Kharkhordin,

I am writing to express my appreciation for the high standards of scholarship, and the high productivity, displayed by the faculty of the European University of St. Petersburg. Whenever colleagues ask me where in Russia they might find the best social-science scholarship being done, I mention EUSP along with one or two other such institutions. Your colleagues in the social sciences produce well-documented and analytically rich studies of, among other things, the interaction of governmental and economic processes.

I served for 23 years as editor-in-chief of the scholarly journal, Post-Soviet Affairs. Especially in my last decade as editor, I was privileged to publish several studies by outstanding members of your faculty.

Quality begets quality. I know that you work constantly to maintain the high standards of scholarship by your faculty members. I send you my gratitude for that---and my best wishes in those endeavors. EUSP has taken its place among the better social-science universities in Europe. I hope it will remain in that status.

Yours sincerely,

George W. Breslauer
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Emeritus, UC Berkeley
Professor of the Graduate School, Dept. of Political Science
210 Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley 94720-1950