What is there with EUSP?

The on-site inspection of the European University at St. Petersburg lasted two days and ended on August 1, 2018. Rosobrnadzor experts Alexander Balashov, Dmitry Sinkov and Elena Verkhovskaya found no violations of licensing requirements.

The inspection report has established the availability of

- material and technical support for educational activities, equipment of premises in accordance with state and local standards and requirements, including the requirements of Federal educational standards in accordance with the Regulation dated 28 October 2013 No. 966 On the Licensing of Educational Activities (hereinafter- Regulation No. 966);

- educational programs developed and approved by the university in accordance with the Federal Law dated 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ On Education in the Russian Federation and with Regulation No. 966;

- accessible conditions for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Federal Law dated 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ On Education in the Russian Federation and with Regulation No. 966.